Ductless Heat Pump Program

Attention Portland Residents!

Are you a homeowner looking to upgrade your electric heating system to something more efficient? Income-qualified candidates may be eligible for a free ductless heat pump (DHP) upgrade! Middle-income families may still be able to take advantage of our low-cost offer. By filling out our interest form, you could benefit from our Verde Builds Ductless Heat Pump Program, which provides affordable and energy-efficient heating solutions to homes across the Portland area!

What is a Ductless Heat Pump?

A ductless heat pump is a highly efficient heating and cooling system that doesn't rely on ductwork to distribute hot or cold air throughout a home. Instead, it uses wall-mounted indoor and outdoor units to transfer heat in and out of the house, providing a more comfortable and energy-efficient home environment.

Ductless heat pumps are essential because they offer numerous benefits, such as lower energy bills, better indoor air quality, and increased comfort. So, if you're looking for an affordable, efficient, eco-friendly heating and cooling solution, a ductless heat pump is worth considering.

Reduces energy bills and reduces carbon footprint by using 30-40% less energy than traditional heating systems.

Easily replaces already existing heating systems.

Ductless Heat Pumps are rated to operate with full efficacy at 104°F and below -13°F.